
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

first lessons 6th grade: radial names

Hey all, we are three weeks into our school year here in Portland. Already we have had a stomach flu and a head cold sweep through the school (and my house) but we still have been plugging away.
This year I teach four sections of middle school. A 7-8th grade class, a 6th grade class and two 6-7th classes.
Let's start with our 6th graders who come in with a WIDE range of art experience from no art to parents who are professional artists.
We started with the favorite radial hidden names...always a big hit. There are so many tutorials on how to do these that I'm not going to bother.(UPDATE: there really are not that many or any good tutorials on how to do this with photos that I can easily find so I will make and post one in the next day or two) I will say we radiate our names 8 times and I have the student's really focus on correctly using the markers to add color.

 As these were hanging in the hall something seemed a little different about them this year. I finally realized that following the whole florescent colors trend going on right now that the packs of markers I had bought had five "florescent" colors that are as blinding as highlighters. The kids loved them...I would have pulled them out of the mix if I had realized they were there.
I also think I liked it better last year when I had all the kids mount their names on black paper. Oh well live and learn. Overall I think they did a great job with this first lesson and they were very happy with the results.

I like how she used brown along with the magenta and orange
Hard to see...but this young man cut out the open spaces in his letters so it is almost like a paper snowflake...anywhere you see black is where it is cut away...very creative
hanging in the main office are the best examples...too bad the glare off the glass makes it hard to see them...

my absolute favorite this year is the one in the bottom right corner... the photo is not doing it justice

and our group display boards.

Coming up next....6th grade color wheels 


  1. Your students created wonderful work - always energizing to see the wide variety of color choices, isn't it? I've found it really reflective of their personalities...

  2. I think they look terrific! What is that black pebbly surface they are displayed on? I love the way it looks.

    1. those are my two new bulletin boards! One is over 8 ft long and the other is 6 ft...they were a "gift" from my principal in the spring for doing a good job. I'm not sure what kind of material they are made out of but I swear it is recycled rubber!

  3. Wonderful work from your students! All successful - a great unit of work!

  4. Can you direct me to a tutorial? I just googled it because you said there were so many out there and I can't find it.

    1. are so right...there are really no good tutorials out there that have photos. When the baby is asleep tonight I'll make up one and have it posted in the morning.

  5. I have done similar projects with younger students (3rd-4th)
    but your students work is so refined and beautiful! Nice work!

  6. Congratulations is a beautiful work ... I will try to offer it to my students
