Ok I know I have been AWOL. I'm finding my day of wake up, feed baby, get baby ready for day, drive to work while pumping, teach, do lunch duty, eat lunch while pumping for 17 min, do lunch duty, drive home while pumping, care for baby, do lesson plans, repeat....to leave little time for blog posting.
However, I need the help of the art blogging world as I have been asked to teach about an artist that I can't really figure out how to make a lesson for.
Mark Rothko was born in Russia but his family moved to Oregon when he was 10. He went to high school in Portland at one of the schools in my district. Right now the Portland Art Museum is hosting a show of his work and I have been asked to do a unit on him. I want to take the kids to see the exhibit and it is easy to teach about is life and look at his art...but I'm struggling with the studio lesson aspect. I have never had luck in the past when it comes to Color Field lessons. I find my 6-8th graders don't really "get it" (honestly I'm not sure I really "get it" sometimes...but they look nice).
My last attempt at a color field lesson what also a color theory lesson about color families. We did some paintings with blocks of color but they ended up looking very early elementary school and quite uninspired. I am at a loss at how to make something more interesting that my kids will connect with. I can't really find anything online...even the MoMA lesson on his has no studio aspect, only a compare and contrast.
HELP! I need your ideas. How would you/do you approach something like color field painting in your room?