Monday: NO School
No life skills this week
4th: Both have had choice day now
1st period, weave warm and cool color papers together
2nd period: circle weave on paper plates
cut an ODD number of slits, number slits, start at one, go accross plate to middle number, latch around slit behind to come up next number, go back to two, repeat and then weave.

add some beads and decorate the edge of the plate or cut it off and mount it on tag board....we'll see what we end up doing.

nice step by step directions by oddles of art
*fabric scraps
*plastic sacks
*cheepo toilet paper from school restroom twisted into cords
3rd and 5th period:
Finish Greek pottery project, do filler landscape painting, mount painting if done early start pre-sketch for Roman mosaic project
6th period:
3rd grade Masi: choice day
3rd grade Hunter: draw polar bear, cut out, add to arctic painting from prior week our attempt at this project

If 10 min or less extra time we will have choice draw
if more than 10 min we will make some quick painted paper for collage
Thanks to this group I have learned how to say, "do not eat the salt," in Spanish
No comer la sal or something like that
late start staff development
3rd-5th period:
6-8th Roman mosaic powerpoint, sketch out simple design, start cutting construction paper and making mosaic
6th, 7th and 8th period:
1st grade: sponge brown paint on bear (one plate one sponge per table pass around) as students are cutting out paper for quilt

5th grade:
1st period-scrap paper basket weaving and weave on paper plate like 4th grade
2nd period- work on this project

day one will be putting the paint on and the saran wrap, choose three quotes to watercolor over.
3rd and 5th period: Continue to work on mosaics
6th and 7th period: (2nd grade) Cut out bears. Make background with and glue bear on. If done early start cutting and gluing scraps of fabric for crazy quilt.
5th grade: finish MLK dove project
3rd and 5th period: work on mosaic
Kindergarten: last week we did kinder Kandinsky, the kiddos are already reading and doing a project with The Mitten. I think we will read lines that wiggle and do the classic crayon and water color resist with different types of lines

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