I found this lesson over at art projects for kids. I thought this was going to be my last week with the kinders and I guess I will have them next week also...which means my traditional end of year self portraiture needs to wait till next week. I am low, low, low on supplies but we do have paper, nubs of oil pastels and oddly enough a big bottle of blue liquid watercolor paint!
I doubt any of my students will have seen works by monet and I wish I had time to grab a video copy of Lillian in Monets garden. I have the book and will show the kids some photos and then demo the waterlilies. I think I have one print of his water lillies in my class set.
I'm going to use the art projcts for kids lesson with the exception of letting students use yellow, purple or pink for the flowers. Variety is the spice of life...and I think I'm running out of yellow;)
here are some inspiration images and then the snapshot of how to do the lesson.

Enjoying your blog- just thought I'd mention if you are looking that it is "Linnea in Monet's Garden". We love that book and movie!