Wow unbelievable sale day yesterday. 9 items! Most of those were reserved items for friends but then to top it off a random stranger bought my ocean friends
onesie! I now have made enough to officially get some business cards before last Thursday. I was also happy/sad to find the cute girls tee-shirts I use on super sale last night (happy). Sad
because they were on sale
because they are only doing long
sleeve for the
rest of the season so I can't get more on demand. I bought out the rest of what they had but it was not as much as I would like. I'll have to go to a
different location of the store today and try to get a few more.
I'm going to add three new
designs today. I have a feeling the black bird fly! one is going to be a good seller.
First new
The apple and the tree
Onesie...they say the apple
doesn't' fall far from the tree.

design: Hug a tree Toddler tee-shirt ( I like how this turned out better than the apple and the tree, oh well. It really only fits on a toddler tee shirt, not a

And my pride and joy of new
designs.... Black bird fly!
Onesie and Girls tee. First time I have used colored
onsies. I hope this one does well! Super hip and modern.

I hope you enjoyed your
sneak peek at my new
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